
Welcome to Uniflix

It is the first platform that employs artificial intelligence to serve students and help them to make this academic journey truly more flexible...easy...and fun. And comfortably and fits the conditions and times of university students. Uniflix enjoys the support and incubation of the Center for Leadership and Innovation at the University of Jordan, and the UNIFLIX team includes elite students and graduates of the University of Jordan. We at Uniflix employ artificial intelligence to provide a new concept experience of videos, summaries, interactive models, and many other tools that help undergraduate students better understand the subject and grow in their field. It also guides students to practice smart study methods to help them build a lifestyle that is not only academic achievement but also personal and practical development. Uniflix also cares about the trainers and seeks to develop them and provide them with effective and continuous marketing services.

Our Team

Skilled Instructors

Laith Al Kilani
Laith Al Kilani
Abdul Hadi Shukair